Thursday, 13 September 2018

Petztopia Cafe Kota Damansara

如今不少的家庭里都会养一两只宠物,而对许多人往往会因为想要多点陪伴宠物,而放弃了和朋友出去聚会的机会。雪隆区一带再近几年也开了一些可以带宠物去用餐的咖啡厅,而今天我要介绍的是上个星期才光顾过的 - Petztopia Cafe

Petztopia Cafe 位于 Kota Damansara The Strand 的区域里,是一家今年 4 月才营业的咖啡店。与其说这里是一家宠物咖啡店,倒不如说他们更像宠物店与咖啡店的合体。Petztopia Cafe 不但可以让你携带宠物一起用餐,同时这里也出售一些狗狗猫猫的食品、用具等. Petztopia 是一家从狗狗的grooming开始的咖啡馆;在那里,他们不但提供狗狗的grooming 服务,还有许多毛孩子的用品可以买哦!

在 Petztopia Cafe 里用餐,客人的狗狗猫猫可以自由的在咖啡厅里活动,认识新朋友。至于性格害羞的狗狗猫猫,也可以和主人待在餐座上一起用餐哦!最让小编觉得贴心的,是Petztopia Cafe 拥有提供给狗狗猫猫的餐点,而且还不含味精。 
Petztopia Cafe 提供西式餐点,除了一般咖啡厅所提供的意式咖啡之外,这里也有 Hand Brew Coffee 哦! 

是时候介绍这里的手冲咖啡啦!Petztopia Cafe 一共有四种手冲方式 - Balancing Syphon, French Press, Slow Drip 以及 Syphon。咖啡豆的选择方面除了有 Barista Pick of the Day 之外,同时还有 Wallenford Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee!店家说这款咖啡豆是世界数一数二的咖啡豆,是这里的招牌咖啡。我二话不说买上点了一杯来品尝,果真口感有如葡萄酒般香醇,而且带有不同层次的咖啡香气。Barista Pick of the Day 的价格是 RM18,而 Wallenford Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee 的价格则是 RM68。 

你家有毛小孩吗?不妨把你家毛小孩带到Petztopia去享受一下他们专业的grooming服务,毛主人还可以叹着咖啡来等呢!整体来说,Petztopia Cafe 非常适合有宠物的朋友去光顾,除了可以携带宠物一起用餐之外,也有出售宠物的用品,以及已推出的 Grooming Service,一站式的服务可说时非常贴心。对于没宠物的朋友,当然也可以到这里用餐啦,一边享用美食,一边和其他顾客的狗狗猫猫互动,何乐而不为呢?

Petztopia @ Kota Damansara

Address: No. 42A-1 & 46-1, Jalan PJU 5/20D, The Strand, Kota Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Tel. No.: 03-6151 9186
Business Hours: Monday OFF | Tuesday - Thursday 11:00am - 10:00pm | Friday & Saturday 11:00am - 11:00pm | Sunday 11:00am - 10:00pm 

Dreamz Bakery Kota Damansara

This evening, I decided to ahead to The Encorp Strand in Kota Damansara to watch a movie, since they have a TGV cinema there and what do you know – Dreamz Bakery & Cafe is just located right across the road. In fact, it would be the most ideal place for a fancy tea party with the intricate desserts served on gorgeous platters!

The reason to overlook its popularity is due to the fact that it’s located on the first floor and is relatively closed off. With no means whatsoever to gage as to whether the cafe is filled with people or not – you need to just head up those stairs or take a lift up to the first floor to check things out, which was pretty much what I did.

At this cafe, you need to remove your shoes before you enter. What a way to maintain cleanliness, yea~~ Once you leave your shoes at the shoes rack, you ring a bell and wait for someone to let you in. As soon as I entered, felt like I was in an alternate universe. So, downstairs and all the way up to the front door of this cafe, it is quiet and the instant you open the front door – boom! It is peaceful and lively, filled with people. Their counter and cake stand faces their front door and there isn’t a whole bunch of space to allow lot of people to congregate. 

Dreamz Bakery is pretty small but they managed to arranged tables in a way that enables them to seat as many people as possible, at a distance, which was awesome.

Their menu:

Honey Toast Stick (with Homemade ice cream) RM 19.90

One of the dessert to shout about is their elaborately decorated stack of toasts. The featured flavor at Dreamz Bakery is their Honey Toast where blocks of honey toast are being stacked on top of each other. It is then topped off with Lavender, Rose Lychee, Oreo Mint, Earl Grey, Matcha, Chocolate Monster or Vanilla ice cream. If you’re opting for a high tea session here, this would be a great dish to share among your friends. It’s certainly a unique choice that looks like it came straight out of Alice In Wonderland’s tea party scene!

Carbonara Spaghetti @ RM 19.90

If you’re up for a main meal after your dessert adventure, try their Carbonara Spaghetti. Alternatively, there’s served with prawns, smoked salmon, shiitake mushrooms and cream sauce.

Cream Caramel @ RM 6.90

Their Cake Series

This Kota Damansara bakery cafe is one with gorgeous desserts and meals which look equally as appetizing. If you happen to be in the Kota Damansara area, why not give this one a go? 

Dreamz Bakery & Cafe 
Hours: Monday-Friday: 12p.m. - 10p.m., 

            Saturday-Sunday: 12p.m. - 11p.m.
Address: No. 32-1, The Strand, Jalan PJU 5/20d, Pusat Perdagangan Kota Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya.